Social networking has become a daily activity with people being able to network even using entry level mobile phones. Social networking activity is not restricted to using PC alone and we could find people posting from mobiles quite frequently. Along with checking e-mail and internet search, social networking has become a vital everyday activity for both men and women. People are spending less time in reading newspapers as they prefer going through news websites and reading blogs to keep themselves update. These blogs can be technology related, politics, general news and more - blogs belong to the social media family.
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Social networking between women depicted using vector graphics |
Okay, let me get into to the core of the topic. Around a decade back, men were considered to be major users of internet in India. Things have changed now with every home having access to broadband internet and most mobile users powered with mobile internet. Women along with spending time on television and shopping (both working and housewives - most of them, not universalizing) have allocated a significant time for internet - mainly Social Networking. This blog is gonna present a few lines on how Indian women use social media from Lovecriminal's perspective. Let me put down a few points which are not in order as they come to my mind.
- You could find very less profiles of Indian women on dating websites. Even if they exist, they are mostly fakes. You could find a considerable number of matrimonial profiles. Indian women are serious on getting married than dating - correct me if I am wrong.
- Indian women prefer Facebook over Orkut (which is very popular in India). I think it is because of some added privacy, extra features and definitely games.
- Women spend more time on social network games. We could find them at top levels in most of the games. Farmville according to me is ruled by women.
- If you find a profile having picture of an actress, doll, baby, flowers - you can confirm it is indeed a profile of a woman. These people are newbies to social networking and you could find their portraits to be uploaded in the near future if they are hooked on to networking.
- I believe the reason why women spend more time on social networking is . . . . . . . . should I disclose it?.....Ya, will....We know women are good interacting with others and they start conversations pretty good among themselves even thought they have varied interests. I think the quality of being able to gossip (suggest me another word) efficiently and naturally have made them use social networking more intense than men. This does not mean they gossip is their main agenda on networking sites.
- The main categories of blogs they follow include food/recipes, fashion/beauty, arts/crafts, interior decoration, and surprisingly gadgets (used to be known as boys toys - not anymore guys).
- Women frequently updates message on walls or status messages and use social media networking sites more frequently. You can find lot of women posting during office hours too - I previously worked from home and that is how I know it. Verdict - women use FB, Orkut @ office (so do guys but not as much as women).
- Ebay and other shopping websites are gaining popularity among women, but Indian women still like to go to different shops, do a small research and buy a product. It does not mean they go through shopping outlets posts on social networking sites. They do go through them but I do not think they buy a lot from them.
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Social Networking - Making Women Happy |
Read This (Very Important): I would like to conclude this post saying that Indian women are very active in social media. Along being a part of social media, we could also find them contributing a lot of content through blogs, videos, and posts. YouTube is filled with recipes from Indian women both living in India and abroad. Likewise, there are thousands of blogs regularly being written by Indian women under various categories. One cannot also deny the fact that Indian women have been regularly contributing some quality content in Internet through their posts on Facebook, Orkut, Twitter and more.